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Facility Rentals




NMSU Student Organizations, Groups and Clubs

All recognized student groups/clubs must have a current charter with the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership Programs (SILP). Student Groups and Clubs must adhere to the policies set forth by SILP, which can be found here:

Student Organization Handbook

Sports Club Addendum to the Student Organization Handbook


All recognized student organizations are expected to complete the Activity Registration Process as a mechanism to assist in the event planning process and to ensure that advisors are up-to-date on organization activities.

All events must be approved through the Activity Registration Process in Crimson Connection. Instructions on how to complete the Activity Registration Process can be found at Activity Registration Process Instructions.

NOTE: Recognized NMSU Student Organizations and Intramural Sports have priority when processing rental requests and allowed to request reoccurring reservations.


NMSU Academic Departments

UREC encourages NMSU Academic Departments to submit their reservation requests through Crimson Connection. Departments that are not registered with Crimson Connection can submit the form below. Reservation fees will apply and can be found at list of rental fees. Depending on the event, Crimson Connection submission may be mandatory.


NMSU Full-Time Students (Part-Time Students W/Membership)

Students are allowed to reserve one court per day for up to 3 hours for free. Additional time will be charged accordingly. Reoccurring reservations will not be permitted. When reservation fees are applied they can be found at list of rental fees. Students who are interested in reserving space are required to submit the below form to begin the formalized process.


AggieFit Members

AggieFit members are allowed to reserve one court per day for up to 3 hours for free. Additional time will be charged accordingly. Reoccurring reservations will not be permitted. When reservation fees are applied they can be found at list of rental fees.  AggieFit members who are interested in reserving space are required to submit the below form to begin the formalized process.


Non - NMSU Groups (Community)

Non-NMSU (Community) Groups are allowed to request reservations for the Activity Center and Aquatic Center but must be able to provide the following documents and agree to the following:

  1. Submit a Certificate of Liability indicating single-liability in which NMSU is named as an additional insured in the amount of $1 million covering bodily injury, including death and property damage.
  2. Proof of business license or non-profit organizations number.
  3. Sign a Facility Reservation Contract Agreement – drafted by UREC management.
  4. Coordinate with UREC Management to reserve time and space that does not conflict with NMSU programming, events or other activities.
  5. Pay for space reserved. list of rental fees.

NOTE: Youth programming or practices will not be allowed on the Intramural Fields.


Reservation Changes, Cancellation and Late Policy

Changes to confirmed reservations will be considered when requested timely. Submit change requests electronically by email to Charges may apply for changes if applicable.

Cancellations can be made at any time prior to the reservation. Cancellation charges may apply if applicable.

Individuals or groups that are more than 15 minutes late to their scheduled reservation will forfeit their reservation and space will become available for other recreational use.